heresy » hearsay

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • It is ironic that having rejected both versions of Pelagianism as hearsay, the Roman Catholic Church later condemned Augustinianism as well! (Southern Hills Evangelical Free Church, April 26, 2004)
  • In the end, he was called before the Council of Constance under a promise of safekeeping but was nonetheless tried for hearsay and burned alive. (Society for Creative Anachronism, Last Updated: 2004/05/20)
  • Claims of witchcraft and hearsay — crimes of an unimaginable level in the days of these settlers are today irrelevant and silly. (Yale University, Austin Carlos Gormley Prize Debate - Fall 2004 - transcript)
  • The history of the Unitarian Church began in Europe. In the 1500s a man named Miguel Servet, (or Michael Servetus) a doctor, geographer, and editor, wrote several books questioning the validity of the trinity and infant baptism. He was subsequently burned at the stake for hearsay by John Calvin, one of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation. (
  • Not long ago the Missouri Senate Lutheran had a hearsay trail. Their executive minister made the serious mistake of joining in an interfaith worship service following the September 11th destruction of the Twin Towers in NYC. He was tried, convicted and taken out of office. (All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church of Kansas City, Rev. Jim Eller, August 4, 2002)

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| link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/08/08 |


  1. 1

    Commentary by Sally Cassil , 2005/08/09 at 11:01 pm

    Notice in the last example under “hearsay” there is another possible eggcorn, as the writer refers to the “Missouri Senate Lutheran”, when what is meant is almost certainly the Missouri SYNOD of the Lutheran church.

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