
Textile is a collection of formatting tags that are used to change the look of text in this forum. Below is a list of some available Textile tags and instructions on how to use them. You can find more information and test textile at http://textism.com/tools/textile/index.html.

Administrators have the ability to enable or disable Textile. You can tell if Textile is enabled or disabled out in the left margin whenever you post a message or edit your signature.

Text style

The following tags change the appearance of text:

*Bold text* produces Bold text
_Italic text_ produces Italic text
p{color:#FF0000}Red text produces

Red text in a new paragraph

p{color:blue}Blue text produces

Blue text in a new paragraph

Links and images

You can create links to other documents or to e-mail addresses using the following tags:

"Eggcorn Forum":http://eggcorns.lascribe.net/forum/ produces Eggcorn Forum
"My e-mail address":mailto:myname@mydomain.com produces My e-mail address

If you want to display an image you can use the img tag.

!http://www.punbb.org/img/small_logo.png! produces http://www.punbb.org/img/small_logo.png


If you don't want to quote anyone in particular, you can use the quote tag without specifying a name.

    bq. This is the text i want to quote.

produces a quote box like this:

This is the text i want to quote.


When displaying source code you should make sure that you use the code tag. Text displayed with the code tag will use a monospaced font and will not be affected by other tags.

    @This is some code.@

produces a code box like this:

This is some code.