wind chill » Winchell
Spotted in the wild:
- Isn’t it just a tad convenient that Winchell’s factor of 80 is 1/100th of his date of deglaciation, which allows his scheme to match Hotchkiss’s minimum 100 years of age? (soc.history.medieval, Jun 12, 2003)
- Much more freedom that way; allows you to wear pants in Kansas when the Winchell factor is 40 below. (alt.religion.kibology, Mar 2, 1999)
Analyzed or reported by:
- Richard Fontana (alt.usage.english, Aug 24, 199)
Richard Fontana admits:
> I remember thinking (in third grade) that the Wind Chill Factor
> was the Winchell Factor.
Still on alt.usage.english, Maria Conlon analyzes:
> By the way, we also have a Winchell Factor, but we don’t pronounce it
quite that way. Anyway, I think the Factor is a creation of TV stations
that want to make even the weather more sensational a story than it is.
This eggcorn seems to stem from a pun, but some occurrences may be genuine.
Commentary by codeman38 , 2005/02/25 at 12:38 am
Also worth investigating: “windshield factor”. That particular eggcorn became a name for the phenomenon a while ago on
Commentary by chris waigl , 2005/02/25 at 8:38 pm
Thank you. The entry wind chill»windshield has been added.
Commentary by Tim Colburn , 2005/03/08 at 2:50 am
Actually, from the mathematical standpoint, the wind-chill “factor” isn’t a factor at all. It’s an “index.”