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Chris -- 2018-04-11
Looks like a melee between a fracas and a ruckus. Inspired by the recent fraca about fracas.
I don’t want to cause a fruckus, but would a PS4 game case work?
https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/18 … h/75417420
This is the BEST colt I have ever had the priviledge to own, and I would NOT part with him if I had my own farm, but I don’t and there is already 2 stallions at the facility he’s at and not enough pasture to put him out without causing a fruckus!
http://www.ablackhorse.com/board/index. … -for-sale/
But soon the Germans appear on the horizon, an intimidating army, and it’s clear that, lake or no, a fruckus will soon occur.
https://threereelstothewind.wordpress.c … er-nevsky/
Makes sense to me. I think you’ve nailed it.
Hatching new language, one eggcorn at a time.