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Chris -- 2018-04-11
Just heard somebody at church saying (didn’t hear much previous context)
It’s kind of embredded in them to [do X]
Plenty of hits on the Inet, with either em- or im-, and in or into .
As tech becomes increasingly embredded in american society, it’s likely that the interactions …
[Purple] Heart recipient for his service in the Battle of the Bulge where he took shrapnel to the face which remains embredded in his cheek till this day.
Stained glass windows were embredded into the walls with diffrent depictions of diffrent fencing stances.
Champions it is imbredded in all of us to give, to be humanitarians, to love.
This beautiful life truth was imbredded in my young life. I didn’t realize how valuable these tools were until I got older and found out that
It’s imbredded in the lao culture that to get easy money is to have boon (good merit).
Spherical shaped gelatinous mass composed of a network of fine collagen fibers imbredded in a mucopolysaccharide gel.
Pretty clearly a mixture of embedded and inbred with perhaps help from embroiled, imbrued, imbued, and others. It constantly strikes me how similar this kind of blend is to an eggcorn: the two main contributors are close in meaning (embedding and inbreeding both produce a fairly permanent or at least recurring feature), and the result is something that is “wrong†but quite understandable. It seems reasonably likely that we could find embed < inbreed and inbreed < embed eggcorns if we looked. Anyhow, entertaining at least.
Last edited by DavidTuggy (2019-03-18 09:14:50)
*If the human mind were simple enough for us to understand,
we would be too simple-minded to understand it* .
Entertaining indeed.
Hatching new language, one eggcorn at a time.