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#1 2025-03-14 04:38:14

Peter Forster
From: UK
Registered: 2006-09-06
Posts: 1272

'punishious' for 'pernicious'

Pernicious effects are slow and insidious while punishment is, or should be, swift and just. Both hurt.

“Destructive, punishious nature…” India rips into Pakistani Envoy’s “Hindutva fascism” remarks at UN.

This cannot be a sad day for all of us South Africans, maybe for you.. a black person suffered under the yoke of punishous regime that which deklerk precided …

Nonetheless, stock-taking conducted at Nigerian Armed Forces made his crimes to recoil and haunt him in a much punishous manner at the detriment of his job …

Punishious & brutal regime.



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