paramour » power mower
Classification: English – cross-language
Spotted in the wild:
- Meanwhile, Richard Parker Bowles, brother of Camilla’s ex-husband, Andrew, said that from the beginning Camilla approved of Charles marrying Diana while she remained his power mower. (Richmond, VA Times-Dispatch, Jan. 1995 [in Arnold Zwicky, see link])
bona fide » bonified
Classification: English – cross-language
Spotted in the wild:
- We offer Adventure activities like Skiing, Camping, Scuba, Kayaking, and much more. We serve All active duty, retired military, DOD civilians, and their family members; and bonified guests of eligible patrons are eligible. (Presidio of Monterey/Outdoor Recreation)
cholesterol » cholester oil
Classification: English
Spotted in the wild:
- You will need a head catscan and a cholester oil check. (link)
piece » peace
Chiefly in:
say one's peace
Classification: English
Spotted in the wild:
- If you’re new to walking and or a beginner looking for solid advice and inspiration, this book won’t disappoint you. There, I’ve said my peace. (link)
- A short while back you also wrote about comma misusage. I must finally say my peace.
The English language, indeed all languages, are not static but fluid. (link)
- The only positive outcome is that I said my peace and if anything happens to our son now (heaven forbid) it is on the judge. (link)
- Thank you for being courageous enough to say your peace, even if only those of us in the group get to read it. (link)
bead » beat
Chiefly in:
get a beat on , draw a beat on
Classification: English – /t/-flapping
Spotted in the wild:
- “We’ve got to be a difficult team to scout or get a beat on this year because we’ve played a lot of different people,” Saldana said. (CNN Sports Illustrated)
- “I started to draw a beat on his serve early in the third set,'’ Agassi said. “And he was starting to feel a little bit of my presence on the return.'’ (link)