midst » mist
Spotted in the wild:
- “well, in the mist of all of this with [name of spouse with cancer] I had fell and hit my head…” ()
From Larry Horn, on ADS-L, 22 February 2005:
from a contributor to a cancer survivors and caretakers support group:…
Whether this was a typo for “in the midst of” or a reanalysis isn’t
entirely knowable. But since the “all of this” in the context refers
to the murky complexity of misdiagnoses, denial of coverage, etc.
etc., I suspect the “mist” is in fact a reanalysis/eggcorn.
To which Jon Lighter added the invented example:
“In the mist of life we are in death.”
And on Language Log:
ML, 12/8/11: Lost in the miss of eggcorns: