benighted » beknighted
Spotted in the wild:
- “Imagine the path of a beknighted soul as it paves its mark on the very hearts of all who hear of it.” (link)
- “People from this beknighted time stream will be able to reach the more advanced and perfected culture of the alternative time stream.” (link)
- “The gist of the commercials is that anyone who sticks with PC’s is a beknighted fool who doesn’t know what they’re missing.” (link)
Analyzed or reported by:
- Ann Burlingham (Usenet newsgroup soc.motss, 15 August 2005)
This one can’t be a simple spelling error, since it replaces the incredibly frequent “night” with the much more specialized “knight”. Apparently the function of knights as guardians and protectors comes to the fore in this reshaping. What lets this work is that the function of the prefix “be-” has become opaque.