soft-pedal » soft-peddle
Spotted in the wild:
- The Israelis are sort of soft-peddling it and saying that they’re very content with the way the United States is handling the Middle East and they’re not really happy that such a deal might have been offered. (Dept. of State Daily Press Briefing, Aug. 12, 1994)
- Apparently assured that he had won Yel’tsin’s endorsement, Rodionov launched attacks against the government for non-payment of funds, against ‘new Russians’ for ruining the Armed Forces, and against Baturin for soft-peddling the dire circumstances of the military. (NIS Observed, Mar. 5, 1997)
- At the start of the Third Reich, therefore, Hitler’s government soft-peddled its antisemitism, and Hitler carefully steered a course between what he would like to do and what was possible, given public opinion at home and abroad. (Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany, 2001)
- Hyejin Jae, a classmate also spurned by Berkeley and UCLA, worries that she hurt her chances by soft-peddling family hardships. (Wall St. Journal, July 12, 2002)
- Education that soft-peddles the flaws of the Democrats will hurt the left. (New Politics, Summer 2004)
Analyzed or reported by:
- Q. Pheevr (A Roguish Chrestomathy, June 23, 2004)
As Q. Pheevr notes, _soft-peddle_ makes perfect sense in contexts suggesting a “soft sell.”
See also backpeddle.