poise » pose
Spotted in the wild:
- Faculty from many departments are advancing development of smart sensors, which are posed to make a major impact on the automotive, aerospace, and medical fields among others. (Wayne State University College of Engineering Profile)
- We have been in a evolutionary phase for the last couple of years as designs have converged, but we are posed to cross the threshold where a complete system and/or multiple processors fit on a single chip. (NSF Workshop on New Challenges and Directions for Systems Research)
- He is credited with starting the Algerian Civil War after he nullified the 1991 elections in which the Islamic Salvation Front (Front Islamique de Salut [FIS]) was posed to win. (Military Review, Mar/Apr 2003)
- Now we are posed to fight that war again and perhaps again and again, this time culturally, where the threat is fundamentalism, wherever it raises its intolerant head. (Yale Bulletin & Calendar, June 4, 2004)
- Transgender Woman Posed To Win Primary (URNotAlone, Aug 20, 2004)
- The Braves lost J.D. Drew and signed Raul Mondesi(!), and appear posed to open the season with both Mondesi and Brian Jordan in the starting outfield. (Salon, Mar 31, 2005)
Commentary by Andrew Troup , 2005/03/31 at 10:23 pm
(Speaking as a rank amateur) I personally would have put most of these down to spelling slips, given that the intransitive form of “posed” implies either a discretionary or involuntary (self-conscious) adoption of an image or attitude or posture.
In all of the examples except #4 and perhaps #5, it seems to me that substitution of any of the above permutations of meaning would make no sense.
Is this perhaps a similar example to “pouring over a book” (vs poring)? Whereas, say, “pawing over a book” to me is potentially an eggcorn, unless I’ve chased a red herring up the wrong end of a tree.
Commentary by Ben Zimmer , 2005/03/31 at 11:16 pm
In response to Andrew Troup: I don’t think there’s any requirement for an eggcorn subsitution to make perfect sense, only to make some sense. In this case, I’d say “posed to (do something)” makes a certain kind of sense, since the semantic domains of “poised” (’in a state of readiness’) and “posed” (’put/set in place’) are rather close. If “posed” is interpreted to mean something like “positioned”, then I think it makes a good deal of sense in all of the above examples — in fact, both “poised” and “positioned” may be influencing the semantic development of “posed”.
Commentary by Arnold Zwicky , 2005/04/01 at 5:52 am
In response to Andrew Troup’s comment re “pore” >> “pour”: see that entry in the database. For at least some people, this really is an eggcorn.