grin » grim

Chiefly in:   grim and bear it

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • After speaking with the college tutor he has told me that I should just grim and bear it for the remainder of my time, which, I think I can handle? (link)
  • You do get used to it and small children tend to overlook bad smells for obvious reasons–so you might have to grim and bear it for a few minutes. (link)
  • Everyone looks so grim and bear it, so thickly socked and guarded. It’s their bottle greens and navy blues. England is so buttoned up. (
  • Im not looking forward to the 23 hour flight, but will have to grim and bear it! (link)

Analyzed or reported by:

The predicative use in the example “Everyone looks so grim and bear it” is particularly interesting.

See also grin and bare it.

| link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/07/12 |

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