cue » queue

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • Scott sat quietly on stage waiting for his queue, remembering at the last moment to take off his badge so that it wouldn’t reflect in the light. (link)
  • You could tell the lions were getting anxious to have a go at the zebras, so they began their hunt. […] The last lioness just stayed where she was, waiting for her queue from the other two. (link)
  • After 5 days of intensive care in Selenge, Batsaihan and her mother went to Ulan-Bator according to doctors’ direction. While they were waiting for their queue to visit a doctor for the first time at the 3rd Hospital of UB, Batsaihan was called namely, and was asked to visit doctor Enkhbayar without any queue. (
  • You can then use the latest software to easily synchronize the video and the slides, so that the slides advance on queue with the video. (link)
  • Right on queue, the very next day, the Family Research Council sent out this email: (Jim Gilliam, 2005/07/07)
| link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/01/13 |


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    Commentary by Jason Eisner , 2005/06/20 at 1:38 am

    An even more eggcorny usage is “advance on queue” — i.e., in the correct order — for “advance on cue.”

    Spotted in the wild:

    “You can then use the latest software to easily synchronize the video and the slides, so that the slides advance on queue with the video.” (link)

    “Navigator’s 50′ RF wireless range means that no matter where you’re standing or which way you’re facing in the room, your slides will advance on queue - every time.” (link)

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