cuttlefish » cuddlefish
Spotted in the wild:
- The logic game involves moving Barbie around a group of baby cuddlefish and quieting their crying. (GZ Kidzone)
- From the ocean comes what we’ve feasted on daily: mahi-mahi, wahoo, yellowfin tuna, lobster too large to feed four people, reef crab, coconut crab, fresh water prawns, cuddlefish (like a big squid- makes incredible calamari). (Offshore Odysseys)
- Frutti Di Mare Alla Como
Marinated octopus, calamari and cuddlefish
$7.95 (menu of the Como Inn, Chicago) - Squids and cuddlefish are modern decendants of the the orthoceris. (link)
- Here divers will find the flamboyant cuddlefish, whose ability to flash an array of colors is simply amazing. (link)
Analyzed or reported by:
- poster brad (on soc.motss)
Commentary by Simon Beck , 2006/06/30 at 1:15 pm
I suspect that in the case of the (extremely saccharine) Barbie Mermaid game, the creatures in question really ARE “cuddlefish” rather than eggcorned cephalopods.