keel » kill
Spotted in the wild:
- It is with sadness that I report that Molly, the Belgian, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Sunday September 28. She killed over and was gone before her huge body hit the ground. (TIER rescue)
- I think my hair would just kill over and die if I did not use your Thermal Protector. (Healthy Hair Plus)
- He killed over and fell. His body seized about for a while until it stopped. (
- You can keep working at your 8:00 to 5:00 job for someone else and earning a meager amount until you kill over and die one day. (link)
- My computer killed over, and when i brought her back I was stuck in pemanent 256 colors. (link)
- I can’t go back and tell her she royally fucked me over, because 1: I’m “the good child”. I’m not suppose to do anything to cause her any more fucking stress. 2: It would cause some stress and with my luck, she’d just kill over or blow her brains out. (, December 24, 2001)
Analyzed or reported by:
- Ann Burlingham (on soc.motss)
Commentary by Arnold Zwicky , 2005/07/29 at 6:12 pm
Possibly assisted by the laxing of [i] to [I] before [l] in some American dialects, which neutralizes “keel” / “kill”, “feel” / “fill”, etc. It’s also true that “keel” is a much more infrequent item than “kill”. And then there’s the dying component of meaning in “kill” that “keel” lacks.
Commentary by Chris Waigl , 2005/07/29 at 7:10 pm
And in some northern English dialects as well, if I’m not mistaken.
Indeed, I remember my younger brother as a small child using the German word for “die” (sterben) to signify “kill” as well.