gain » game

Chiefly in:   gamefully employed , gameful employment

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • Hundreds of young astronauts are seeking gameful employment, and this 77-year-old self-promoting millionaire steals their jobs. (sci.sceptic, Oct 31, 1998)
  • We all know that if his wife is gamefully employed, then each the husband and the wife could each have their $2,000 maximum yearly tax deduction provided they meet the percentage of earned gross income formula. (, Aug 19, 2001)
  • Quite often more stress is placed on the adult after puberty, with the current stressful period of having gameful employment, progressing in employment and marriage, child raising and the resulting continuing financial problems which causes stress of great magnitude. (Yahoo! Health groups, Sep 1, 2000)
  • In the digital graphics age, one of the easiest things to neglect in our busy day is the critical backup of all the client files and databases we use to remain gamefully in business. (

Analyzed or reported by:

See also _zero-sum gain_.

| link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/09/07 |


  1. 1

    Commentary by Will Dewey , 2006/09/14 at 3:23 am

    I used to wonder why Congress spent so much time debating the “capital games tax”.

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