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#1 2023-09-08 14:56:55

From: Mexico
Registered: 2007-10-11
Posts: 2744


We have had a number of cases of confusion with prefixes in the a- ab- ap- up- op- range: e.g. here
When you are feeling upprehensive you tend to suck your breath up , to listen up and straighten up your posture a bit as you enter a state of increased alertness or determination, or what-have-you. (Other kinds of up-ness may be going on as well, of course.)

people would have reason to be upprehensive.

I just wanted to share that I’m getting really upprehensive about the schedueled first visit with my new ortho next week.

(If dueling is contemplated already on the first visit, you can certainly understand a person feeling a bit upprehensive about it.)

i heard its a lot of bugs so i am a little upprehensive with the possible result.

Some upprehensions are not so clearly fear-related, but still activate the notion of heightened awareness / alertness, etc.

they confessed afterward that thrills of upprehension ran through them. [1888]

When the police upprehend a criminal or in other cases of that sort of upprehension, there is also a kind of “taking up”, and arrest or bringing to a sudden halt as if “up” against a barrier, etc. Of course there is danger in the process, such as might cause fear-fueled upprehension of the first sort within the arrester, the arrestee, or both.

Once a juvenile is upprehended by the police and referred to the. Juvenile Court, the community has already failed

just grounds of upprehension while these records with desperate grasp to remain

pulls off the desert road to upprehend a male suspect, but the suspect shoots him in the chest with a concealed gun

Even if you just ap-prehend, in the sense of com-prehending, something new and striking, you bring it up into your consciousness and it might provoke that “sucking up” of your breath:

if we lightly upprehend what uticlttrluy tbi [= utterly, I think] complicated and in- tolerably burdensome laws and rules of the Pharisaic Sabbat li -observance,

This upprehensive sucking up of your breath is rather different from sucking up to a superior (someone upbove you), of course, but maybe that’s related at some level as well? Also, what other prefixes do we have with this stem, and why not some of the more common ones? ( reprehen(sible), com-prehend s.t. comprehensive(ly), *imprehend, *exprehend, *deprehend, misapprehend ) Do people still use prehend by itself? They used to. Prehensile tails and suchlike …

Anyhow, there’s more stuff to be teased out there, I’m sure.

Last edited by DavidTuggy (2023-09-08 19:36:56)

*If the human mind were simple enough for us to understand,
we would be too simple-minded to understand it* .

(Possible Corollary: it is, and we are .)



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