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Chris -- 2018-04-11
This very common slip is not new to this website, but I happened across it in my reading today, so thought I’d mention it: “We should cling to the tenants of historical anarchism no more than we should cling to second-wave feminism, or, for that matter, civilization.” (from “Take What You Need and Compost the Rest” by Margaret Killjoy, in “Dodgem Logic” #2)
Surely not an eggcorn, for two oddly opposite reasons: 1) “tenant” and “tenet” share a common root, and 2) In spite of that, there doesn’t seem to be much of a meaning connection between the two words as currently construed.
This was on reddit today: “what portion of hardcore “green” politics people are actually aligned with the ecological movement and consider it a tenant of their philosophy”. In this context, it seems reasonably ovoid to me. The ecological movement has moved in and signed a long-term lease in their philosophy.
Yes, a good example of basic tenets being the permanent residents of a particular belief/theory/religion etc. Positively ovoid in such a context.