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Chris -- 2018-04-11

#1 2010-03-21 01:16:20

David Bird
From: The Hammer, Ontario
Registered: 2009-07-28
Posts: 1692

"flabitis" for phlebitis

Phlebitis is an inflammation of a vein, from Gk. phleps (gen. phlebos) “vein”. Flabitis is a more general condition where the inflammation has spread to the surrounding flab.

Fertility blog
The word PHLEBOTOMY in the first paragraph took me right back to a very embarrassing week I had at work…..I had a wisdom tooth removed by an oral surgeon. The put the knock-out medicine in through my hand instead of my arm. I developed a horrible case of phlebitis (vein inflammation). Called my (blonde) boss while filling my prescription to tell her I wouldn’t be back to work for a week. She sent an e-mail to all my co-workers telling them I had FLABITIS!!!! Flab-Itis.
As an amply-rounded girl, I was appropriately horrified. Shudder.

Health forum
I saw my family Dr. the next day and she said it was flabitis.

Health forum
I got Flabitis. It’s painful but can be contracted by just getting a blood test.



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