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Chris -- 2018-04-11

#1 2010-11-08 05:02:49

Registered: 2010-10-06
Posts: 3

"routing for" for "rooting for"

I guess more people today plan routes than root around in the soil ... “I’m routing for” gets 185,000 googits.

Why I’m routing for Denver

Who are you routing for in the World Cup!?
I am routing for Puerto Rico!



#2 2010-11-08 13:31:38

From: Mexico
Registered: 2007-10-11
Posts: 2715

Re: "routing for" for "rooting for"

But are those who root for someone rooting around in the soil? I had linked it up with a rah-rah cheer kind of meaning: “Rooty-toot-toot! Rooty-toot-toot! We are the girls/guys from the Institute!”.

*If the human mind were simple enough for us to understand,
we would be too simple-minded to understand it* .

(Possible Corollary: it is, and we are .)



#3 2010-11-08 16:56:37

Registered: 2010-10-06
Posts: 3

Re: "routing for" for "rooting for"

I’d always associated it with the way pigs root for acorns, pushing hard against the soil (= pushing for your team). But it seems the etymology is unclear. There’s various suggestions discussed here:

American Heritage Dictionary says “Perhaps from ‘root,’ to dig with the snout.”
Merriam Webster says it may come from “rout.”
Main Entry: 4root
Pronunciation: ‘rüt also ‘rut
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: perhaps alteration of 2rout
Date: 1889
1 : to noisily applaud or encourage a contestant or team : CHEER
2 : to wish the success of or lend support to someone or something – noun
“The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology” by Robert K. Barnhart (HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 1995) says it may come from root in the sense of working or study hard. 1856.

Word Detective has this interesting theory:

Meanwhile, the generally accepted theory explains “root,” which first appeared in the sports fan sense in the late 1880s, as an extension of “root” as plants “take root,” i.e., that the fans have bonded closely with, and “sunk their roots into” the team. A more vivid (and to me more plausible) explanation, however, has been suggested by etymologist Gerald Cohen, who points to the foot-stamping, clapping and shouting behavior of baseball fans described by 18th century sportswriters. According to Cohen, foot-stamping (or “pedal-music”) was at that time a vital method of expressing support for one’s team, and “rooting” originally referred to fans stamping their feet so hard that they might actually dig (or “root”) holes in the ground.



#4 2010-11-10 08:38:26

David Bird
From: The Hammer, Ontario
Registered: 2009-07-28
Posts: 1692

Re: "routing for" for "rooting for"

Gamer tournament
everyone come show your support for the leader of our forums and makes some noise in chat to let them know who you are rutting for.

Myspace band
oh my, this band is awesome you just have to see them to believe me! there good but they still have a long way to the top! I’m rutting for ‘em.

Another rock band fan
i bought your songs thru itunes, I forwarded your link to many peeps and I im rutting for you to make it huge!

Search engine partisan
Bing has made some very good strides and I believe many are rutting for them to gain some more share.

Fashionista fave
I was rutting for her, I am so happy she won and yes Supreme will do it again

Oil spill confession
Thad Alan a shoe in for a million dollar Oil industry Job after he retires from the coast guard. Obama I was rutting for you, but now I don’t trust you at all.

gamer companions
i’m a fan of football in a whole… as long as you’re not rutting for the jets or pats…

Lots more out there – you get the idea. It is mating season for big game, but still.



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