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Chris -- 2018-04-11

#1 2015-02-12 13:12:25

From: Victoria, BC
Registered: 2007-08-28
Posts: 2853

fullheary << foolhardy

The foolhardy person is at once foolish and brave. In a better world, a foolish fellow might be cowardly enough to hold back or a brave fellow smart enough to choose a better time for boldness. The foolhardy chap mixes in one beaker a volatile combination of bravery and idiocy.

Chances are that “foolhardy” is a hidden eggcorn for many speakers. The original sense of “hardy” (brave/bold), has lost out in popularity to a derived sense of the word (robust/vigorous), so a foolhardy person might be conceptualized as insistently imprudent, stalwartly stupid.

“Foolhardy” is also the acorn for a double-yolked eggcorn.We see on the Web a low-grade but persistent trend to replace “foolhardy” with “fullhearty.” The two-step substitution (“full” for “fool” and “hearty” for “hardy”) yields a result that, because it looks and functions like “wholeheartedly,” casts a more favorable light on the motivations behind foolhardy choices.

Some samples:

Blog entry: “our sometime fullhearty fits of patriotism haven’t necessarily been well kept secrets.”

Web fiction: “One was a soldier named Joaquin a brave young man who pushed back Chikal, however he can be flirty and at times fullhearty, but he is as loyal and caring to his friends.”

Post on gaming site: “The castle will house some of the earliest people to join this fullhearty endeavour,”

Another gaming site: “Klutches attempt at smoke was definitely a fullhearty attempt and he deserves a C+ at best for the joke.”

Motorcycle forum post: “some guy pulls a fullhearty pass attempt on the ouside of me”

From a thread on a social forulm: “Yet we seem to have takin a stance, with our endless egotism, that we are beyond this evolutionary contstruct and that we can extend a sense of inclusion to everything else. It’s admirable, but fullhearty ”

Contribution to cloud fiction: “He was a wagon maker and a frequent shopper at Amanes’ stand. One of those fullhearty men who spoke loudly and meddled in anything he could.”

Hatching new language, one eggcorn at a time.



#2 2015-02-13 07:42:49

David Bird
From: The Hammer, Ontario
Registered: 2009-07-28
Posts: 1692

Re: fullheary << foolhardy

Nice one. It goes nicely with Pat’s head, heart and hands chimeras. Maybe fool hearted, too.



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