Discussions about eggcorns and related topics
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Chris -- 2018-04-11
Around here, we all know who Magic Juan is. It’s harder to know to whom they’re referring on other fora, however. Or how he might be waved.
However, my problems are apart of life. I cannot wave a Magic Juan and make them go away.
fb preacher
What are the things that you would really like to level up? What are the things that if you could wave a magic Juan you to have something be a certain way?
fb coach
I don’t judge you and if I could I would wave a magic Juan and fix it all.
support forum
First spotted on r/boneappletea.
Last edited by David Bird (2018-07-19 10:42:09)
Fame at last! I am an eggcorn.
Last edited by JuanTwoThree (2018-07-20 00:05:32)
On the plain in Spain where it mainly rains.
We’ve always been aware of your powers of prestodigitation, Juan.
Last edited by kem (2018-07-27 20:50:54)
Hatching new language, one eggcorn at a time.