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Chris -- 2018-04-11
Peter’s “adeft < adept” made me wonder whether this occurred, and sure enough, it does.
Newfoundland. Supreme Court · 1898 · ?Law reports, digests, etc Cod – traps adript from their shore and sea moorings cannut be the subject of a claim for salvage either under the Salvage Act or at common law.
(Might this be dialect of some sort? Cf. the spelling “cannut”.)
Whatever happened to childhood? Six-year-old beauty queens in the USA; teenage survivors from the wreck of Communism adript on the Russian streets; sexual abuse and the collapse of the family in the UK; child prostitution in Asia’s tourist havens.
The bulletin says German floating mines are being cast adript in pairs, connected with a line aoout too feet long
Some of these are probably read in by computer from printed sources. In the following case I saw the photo of the original, and it definitely, to my eye, read SET ADRIFT. I had not thought of how similar the capitals F and P are, especially in serif fonts; enough to fool a character recognition program when the photo is a bit fuzzy.
Back to more normal exx.:
Foreign trade regulation THE “ DATA GAD : BLIND REGULATORS CAST ADRIPT IN A SEA OF IGNORANCE The inability of government bureaucracy to expeditiously …
The Constant Gardener, is a movie based on the book written by John LeCarre. John LeCarre was cast adript by the end of cold war,
But there aren’t a lot more.
Seems to me unlikely to be an eggcorn: a-dripped ? I don’t really get it.
*If the human mind were simple enough for us to understand,
we would be too simple-minded to understand it* .
Agree, the evidential threshhold is low for making the eggcorn case. But if it were to me made, I can sort of see it-cast adript = flung out and scattered like a glass of water.
I had not thought of how similar the capitals F and P are
Just now you noticed? That problem cost me three years in the first grade.
Hatching new language, one eggcorn at a time.
You remind me of my brother (?a genius mechanic, by the way?) who once told a class of university students, “I spent six wonderful years here at this university, and if I ever came back, I would be a junior!”
*If the human mind were simple enough for us to understand,
we would be too simple-minded to understand it* .