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#1 2009-11-14 11:37:10

From: Victoria, BC
Registered: 2007-08-28
Posts: 2882

sperm of the moment << spur of the moment

I picked up a friend of mine at the ferry landing today. On the way home he referred to doing something “on the sperm of the moment.” I think (but I don’t know for sure) that this was a throwaway pun. He’s that sort of fellow.

But it started me thinking. Is this phrase a pun for everyone? If uttered inadvertently, “sperm of the moment” has the earmarks of an eggcorn. “Spur” is not a common word. “Sperm” is a logical semantic replacement, since “spur” can be thought of as something ephemeral and spermatozoa are iconically transient, short-lived.

Wading through web hits for “sperm of the moment” leads to a lot of obvious puns. The phrase was a classic Archie Bunker line, for example, and was more recently reprised on the Will and Grace TV show. But I think I see some evidence that a small community of speakers finds it normative and nonpunning. Is this, like “old-timer’s disease and “blessings in the skies,” a rotten eggcorn that has made its way from caper to customary?

Examples of possible inadvertent uses of “sperm of the moment:”

Tagline for Youtube video: “-sUPERED has not played his girtar in over 2 years this is cold turkey—sperm of the moment playing—a classic sUPERED moment”

Writers’ forum: “ I signed up. I don’t know why—it was a sperm of the moment idea—but I figured, hey, why not?”

Canadian blog: “i recently placed a large-ish completely sperm-of-the-moment order at amazon and was horrified to discover that a small but important portion of it was sent to my old address.”

Web log of a rock band: “And we would like to thank everyone for showing up, we got a lot of people out there today for a completely sperm of the moment show.”

Our database, by the way, records the eggcorn spurt of the moment.

Hatching new language, one eggcorn at a time.



#2 2024-10-19 07:29:20

Peter Forster
From: UK
Registered: 2006-09-06
Posts: 1272

Re: sperm of the moment << spur of the moment

This seems a reasonable place to park this since it provides a wider context and I like to try to round up strays and return them to the nearest herd. Yeehaw!

Should my flanks be suddenly pricked by spinning rowels I imagine I too would be instantly stirred from my slumbers or preoccupations. ‘Stirred into action’ is a perfectly reasonable expression in its own right but ‘stir of the moment’ seems quite eggcornish to my ear.

I used it for a stir of the moment date with Percy to feed the ducks, and dinners with my kids.

... player durge only that its less obvious and more of a stir of the moment thing, not really planned like gale.

The photos Brian reenacts are mostly stir-of-the-moment takes of him + cool location + friends.

I wish they would have chosen a better transfer but I think they switched it stir of the moment because of the reaction.



#3 2024-10-19 08:08:27

From: Victoria, BC
Registered: 2007-08-28
Posts: 2882

Re: sperm of the moment << spur of the moment

The phrases that give rise to most eggcorns are pressed into service. “Spur of the moment,” it seems, sends out invitations.

Hatching new language, one eggcorn at a time.



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