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Chris -- 2018-04-11

#1 2016-01-31 16:34:52

Dixon Wragg
From: Cotati, California
Registered: 2008-07-04
Posts: 1375

"rebel raiser" for "rabble rouser"

Watching the local county board meeting on TV, I heard someone use the term “rebel raiser”. On the ‘Net, I found quite a few more examples, including:

You are an anti-establishment trouble making rebel raiser, who needs medication to quash your instincts.

An agreement to pay a percentage on . claim for property destroyed by a rebel raiser
NY statutes and reports book

The rebel raiser that I am, I organized a water balloon drop on the frat boys next door.

It’s well known that bans for harsh language weren’t automated in any way (and therefore it may bring out the inner rebel-raiser in LoL players such as myself).
gamer discussion

“Rebel rouser” is in our Database, but this is the first time I’ve encountered the double-yolker “rebel raiser”. Its origins may lie partly in “Hell-raiser”.



#2 2024-11-11 12:24:15

From: Mexico
Registered: 2007-10-11
Posts: 2760

Re: "rebel raiser" for "rabble rouser"

Dixon writes that ‘“Rebel rouser” is in our Database’, but I can no longer recall how to search the Database as opposed to the Forum. In any case, I have the eggcorn in my collection. It is a beautiful one in that it seems to be absolutely standard for some, sounds almost exactly like the original in many people’s speech, and has a clearly distinct meaning yet one that fits almost any context where I would expect “rabble rouser”. If anything, it makes more sense in some usages (where there are few who are roused to rebel).

(In 1995 I recorded the same person as using “rebel-rouser” and “rebel-rousing” in the same conversation, and heard it again last night, with no indication of facetiousness or anything else indicative of awareness that it was not standard.)

Last edited by DavidTuggy (2024-11-11 16:32:03)

*If the human mind were simple enough for us to understand,
we would be too simple-minded to understand it* .

(Possible Corollary: it is, and we are .)



#3 2024-11-12 09:19:36

From: Victoria, BC
Registered: 2007-08-28
Posts: 2882

Re: "rebel raiser" for "rabble rouser"

The top search box here: is what you are looking for, I think.

I was going to say this switch is motivated by the word “rabble” being nigh-on extinct, but the ngram viewer: … moothing=3

shows an uptick in the last two decades. Perhaps caused by the word’s use in book titles.

Hatching new language, one eggcorn at a time.



#4 2024-11-12 11:29:05

From: Mexico
Registered: 2007-10-11
Posts: 2760

Re: "rebel raiser" for "rabble rouser"

Bummer. The eggcorns website main page ( ) is flagged as insecure (because of a clock/certification/privacy issue, it is suggested) and two browsers I tried won’t let me in.

*If the human mind were simple enough for us to understand,
we would be too simple-minded to understand it* .

(Possible Corollary: it is, and we are .)



#5 2024-11-13 08:45:43

From: Victoria, BC
Registered: 2007-08-28
Posts: 2882

Re: "rebel raiser" for "rabble rouser"

When I browse the site with the Edge browser, I see an “Advanced” button. I click that and I have a link that says “Continue to (unsafe)” and this link takes me to the Eggcorn Database main page, the page that has the search box.

Alternately, you can type “searchword” in a Google search box of any browser. Some of the hits will be the searchword in the Eggcorn Database.

Hatching new language, one eggcorn at a time.



#6 2024-11-13 12:50:59

From: Mexico
Registered: 2007-10-11
Posts: 2760

Re: "rebel raiser" for "rabble rouser"

Thanks, Kem. This time the “Advanced” button did let me choose to go in. The previous time when I tried it, it wouldn’t allow me to risk it.

*If the human mind were simple enough for us to understand,
we would be too simple-minded to understand it* .

(Possible Corollary: it is, and we are .)



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