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Chris -- 2018-04-11
About 50 ghits for “thirdandary”:
“Good thirdandary Gun For your first side arm i would not say use this, not even your second. But as a third gun that your just using cause you have and you can acess it fast this is cool.”
From a site about airsoft (BB) guns. Logical, no?
I would have thought that “thirdandary” might be topped by “thirdarily,” but the latter only got 39 ghits (vs. 51). Probably an intentional usage by someone not willing to search any further for the correct word …or because he believes such words might be easier for his audience to conceptualize: I once had an instructor who intentionally referred to a denominator as a “DOWNominator.”
Primary mathematics:Fractions – Wikibooks, collection of open …Since fractions have both a top (called a nominator. think “topinator”) and a bottom (denominator, which “downominator” which is divided by a bar, ...
en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Primary_mathematics:Fractions – 30k – Cached – Similar pages
Last edited by jorkel (2006-11-14 07:04:10)