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#1 2006-04-28 15:21:23

From: California
Registered: 2005-10-25
Posts: 1680

"our foundling fathers"

A foundling is an abandoned child of unknown parentage, someone cut off from his or her past and lineage. Our founding fathers, by contrast, are often associated with continuity and an acknowledgment of tradition. This malapropism therefore lends a bit of irony to the contexts in which it appears. About 170 unique hits for “foundling fathers.” There are nearly as many for “fondling fathers”; most of those are waggish allusions to Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, or Catholic priests charged with abuse, but there are a small number of sincere-looking instances (prob. typos for “foundling”). Examples:

Perhaps, we should examine the thoughts and beliefs of a large number of foundling fathers that were evident during the forming of this nation.

Campaign statement: I believe our Foundling Fathers created a system of government that has made this country the greatest country in the world. … =clnk&cd=1

Back then, everyone and his Aunt Polly had guns, and all their pigs and chickens, and some tadpoles. The Foundling Fathers knew it. So did the Supreme Court. Nobody ever got upset about it. … 122302.htm

Quite frankly, this is exactly the form of Government our foundling fathers fought against and sought to protect us against; a slave society, in which all the person or persons under the law are the property of government [...]. … &sb=1&vc=1

Now I see a nations principles our foundling fathers laid down denied,

for immigrant, a freedom of right to join forefathers in citizenship. … &id=156419

If Man had respected & used the gun properly in the first place, if the rules of right to bare arms & respect of the laws governing them put forth by our Foundling Fathers of America in their writing of the United States Constitution / Bill of Rights we would have never gotten to to todays fight to get rid of em.

He came of venture-some stock. One of his direct ancestors having been among the fondling fathers of Montreal, another with Cadillac at Detroit, and a third in the founding of Villa-a-Mallet, now Peoria, Illinois. … letcw.html

I believe the second amendment which was incorporated back in the 1700’s when the firearm that thomas jefferson may have carried then was the black powder musket he nor the fondling fathers knew anything about rapid fire guns so having said that freedom to own muskets is entrenched in the constitution. … =clnk&cd=6



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