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Chris -- 2018-04-11

#1 2009-04-26 22:45:43

From: Montreal
Registered: 2008-03-17
Posts: 1112

"reign force" for reinforce

Some substitutions are so unexpected that you must encounter them in the wild – you couldn’t foresee their existence. The use of reign force in place of “reinforce” is one of those. Reinforce has three syllables, though the second might not be obvious in rapid speech. It seems doubtful that “reign” is being pronounced with two syllables; it is more likely that “reinforce” is seen as having two syllables. Reign and force reinforce each other.

Moon Glaciers fan fic:
All along he had thought that his mother had died from an illness. His dad had even reign force that idea. He had never doubted his dad.
Until now.

Risk group needs:
Sustaining widows economically will enable them to support their health care needs. Women especially widows will collectively reign force one another’s self esteem and strengthen their determination
( … ply/24/167)

Relationship question:
RU really Scorpio? That sounds very Sag to me. We have serious trust issues.
Your sign is “show me- don’t tell me”. You need to reign force that in your relationships to find the “peace” you need.
( … 437AAX3h2i)

Drawbridge page:
A drawbridge is a bridge where it stops enemies from getting into the castle. It can be raised or lowered so the enemies have to walk through the water and break the door down. A drawbridge is made out of wood and has a metal plate at the back to reign force it so it doesn’t burn all the way down. The drawbridge is usually for a castle with a mote.
( … bridge.htm)

“Epistemological Ontological Anarchism (this digitized linguistic material is for a leap unto the future—fractal conquest of the psi-matrix)”:
The urban environment proclaimed the orders and tastes of the ruling society just as violently as the newspapers. They maintain the coherent reign of poverty. Everything being disconnected, it is necessary to change everything by a meta-struggle, or nothing. It is necessary to link up with humanity, but sheep surrounds us. Like in every country it is once again the men of order who have rebelled. They have reign forced their power. They are able to aggravate the grotesqueness of the ruling conditions according to their will.
I read “the men of order” here as the men who give orders.

Screen printing “hand book”:
Now that angle irons can be used to reign force the corners of large frames complete the frame by smoothing and removing all sharp edges …
( … t&resnum=1)

Natural Resource management NGO “Environmental Alert” report:
It is a leverage model for advancing the case for increased and commensurate investment as well as political support to the investment sector at the district and national levels. It is therefore a powerful tool for reign forcing EA and civil society lobby actions on increased ENR investments.
( … GvGz-jleZA)

Last edited by burred (2009-04-26 22:47:26)



#2 2009-04-27 02:14:20

From: Mexico
Registered: 2007-10-11
Posts: 2744

Re: "reign force" for reinforce

A very interesting one: pretty clearly orthography-based, i.e. based on a malapropism from an egg-cornish misreading of re-in – as rein . It is much less probably based on phonological similarity.
I can get a picture of compelling or forcing a horse to go in a certain direction by yanking on the reins, or a picture of compelling something to go in a certain direction through the exercise of sove reign ty . Although neither of these notions fits the meaning of reinforce ‘strengthen’ very well, there are a good many contexts where the notion of strengthening and that of compelling are good reasonable alternatives.

*If the human mind were simple enough for us to understand,
we would be too simple-minded to understand it* .

(Possible Corollary: it is, and we are .)



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