hardship » heartship
Spotted in the wild:
- They believe that because I want to continue this relationship I am taking myself down a trail of pain and heartship. (link)
- I am desperate - I earned 80K a year and losing this LTD is a major heartship for me - My COBRA expires in 7 days so I also have to pay for RX’s going forward - which I was prepared for - so now - I am faced with do I pay my mortgage or buy drugs? (link)
- Your financial heartship may be their crucible to true adulthood. (link)
- I hope that some people make it out, just to save the little sister in high school the heartship of hearing that their brother is dead b/c of a heroin overdose. (link)
- Time To Profit From Financial Heartship (link)
- can i get my heartship license when im 15 so i can ride alone the reason im asking is i have no ride to school (link)
- Don’t be so quick to claim heartship, many people from my home town died at ground zero, including a great long-time friend who worked at KF. (link)
Analyzed or reported by:
- Barry Popik (on the ADS-L listserv)
[Updated to incorporate some expressions and occurrences suggested by Laurence Horn on ADS-L. C.W.]
See also cold-hearted » cold harded; die-hard » die-hearted.