worthwhile » worthwild

Variant(s):  worth wild

Classification: English – final d/t-deletion

Spotted in the wild:

  • It has truly been my pleasure to be able to offer something worth wild to this wonderful group. (ArtsEdNet, Apr 19, 2000)
  • When, you actually can write a review that symbolizes something worth wild, try being a movie CRITIC again, until then Look for a new career. (Deseret News Reader Reviews, Dec 10, 2002)
  • Some argue that the Speaker Calibration and THX setup are really worthwild applications, but I feel they just add to the install, and that’s about it. (PC Perspective Forums, July 29, 2004)
  • As much as I hate Windows/Microsoft/Gates, the Longhorn project looks interesting and may actually be worthwild. (Tech Support Guy Forums, Mar 22, 2005)
  • How students spend their time in detention is important. If the student does nothing, there is no worthwild learning taking place, and resentment of school builds. (WikEd)

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See also worth your wild.

| Comments Off link | entered by Ben Zimmer, 2005/04/03 |

navel » naval

Chiefly in:   naval(-)gazing

Classification: English – questionable

Spotted in the wild:

  • But unlike the Times, which has been engaged in a torturous exercise of naval gazing and self-flagellation, with its accustomed arrogance, since it was revealed that one of its younger reporters had committed all sorts of journalistic sins, we are doing something about it, and fast. (Lufkin Daily News, 2003/05/30)
  • Conservative naval gazing (Politics Canada, headline)
  • okay, fine - i know these are the most boring posts of all - but everyone’s guilty of using their weblog for a bit of naval-gazing here and there, including me. (link)
  • *Begin naval gazing ramble* This is a question I have been wrestleing with lately. […] *end naval gazing ramble* (link)
  • We don’t want to be dreary old fuddy-duddies whose scowled faces reveal the intensity of our negative naval-gazing. (link)

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| 4 comments | link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/04/03 |

cold-hearted » cold harded

Variant(s):  cold-harded

Classification: English – /t/-flapping

Spotted in the wild:

  • Combined with him are his team, the sanke like Kaidoh, Power hitters, Taka, and Momo, the acrobatic Eiji, the calculating and sometimes saddistic Inui, the genius player Fuji, the inspirational Oishi, and finally the cold-harded and demanding captian Tezuka. (DALnet #anime)
  • Drugs and alcohol can do a number on people. It’s a cold harded fact. (link)
  • I feel that I am a cold harded person. (link)
  • How does the judicial system decide who is fit for the death sentence while other cold harded killers/repeat offenders stay in jail thier whole lives. (link)

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See also die-hard » die-hearted; hardship » heartship.

| Comments Off link | entered by Ben Zimmer, 2005/04/03 |

tenet » tent

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • Dowd violated one of the cardinal tents of the newspaper business: Don’t mislead your readers, because your credibility is your only currency. Lose it, and the reader won’t care how good a writer you are. (Lufkin Daily News, 2003/05/30)
  • The Islamic disavowal of the primary tents of Christianity demonstrates the fundamental incompatibility of the two religions as mutually reconcilable theologies. (Gregory Alan Thornbury, Ph.D., Union University)
  • One of the basic tents of Christianity as it is practiced in real life is hospitality. (link)
  • One of the key tents of DSI (Dynamic Systems Initiative), is ‘Design for Operations’. (mcrosoft.com)
  • The key thing is that you realize the two go hand-in-hand, and the design of the home and the features of the site must work together to give you the full benefits of efficiency and comfort. This is one of the basic tents of what is called a “passive solar home.” (link)

See also _tenet»tenant_, and the additional remarks there.

| 2 comments | link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/04/03 |

view » you

Chiefly in:   point of you

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • From a medical point of you, if you’re not diseased, you must be healthy, right? (link)
  • Astronomy is a great science to pursue, because not only is it interesting from a scientific and even philosophical point of you, but it also introduces you to skills (like computing, using advanced technology, public presentations, writing reports) that you can use in many different careers. (Astronomical Society of Australia)
  • The thing is, I can only look at it from my point of you, because I haven’t experienced having to do any tests yet and I still have everything to prove (link)
  • From a psychological point of you, our needs change through the ageing process. (link)

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This eggcorn is slightly puzzling because it implies that the writer’s concept of _you_ is something else than (just) his or her addressee. Maybe it falls into the scope of the general, dummy addressee referred to as _you_.

| Comments Off link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/04/02 |