hallmark » wholemark

Variant(s):  whole mark

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • We see the European Union and NATO as complementary and mutually perfecting each other, the whole mark of the European Union is prosperity and that of NATO is security. (link)
  • However the membership carries with it a wholemark of high professional standard and high professional education (BCS accreditation of courses and set of exams) and numbers of companies require membership of the BCS from their employees. (link)
  • Literary analysis, explication de texts, essay writing, in depth class discussions are the wholemark of this course. The year culminates in taking the literature Advanced Placement examination. (Greenhills School, French V AP Literature)
  • Graham himself epitomized the classy Cas tag that has long been the wholemark of that club. (World of Rugby League, May 23, 2005)
  • What I have done below is outlining some of the observations I made in terms of what had transpired in this highly regarded alliance in areas of trade and currency exchanges between the two countries prior to the resumption of hostilities that had the wholemark of being aborted from its inception; reflecting on the outcome of the EEBC’s border ruling and sharing my own thoughts as to where we are going from here. (link)

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| Comments Off link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/10/14 |

alimentary » elementary

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • This spiral bound 80-page book starts by examining the elementary canal, then leads to the gastrointestinal tract and finishes with the accessory structures. (link)
  • Some of our assumptions, for example, that DNA is entirely destroyed by its passage through a mammal’s elementary tract, have been proved wrong. (non-gm-farmers.com, June 5, 2005)
  • This fungus is usually found in the elementary tract but due to various-habitual practices and improper hygiene finds its way into the vagina resulting in leucorrhoea. (link)
  • I was treated to the rare pleasure of viewing the entire expedition up my elementary canal on a live color video monitor. (link)

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| 1 comment | link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/10/14 |

way » wave

Chiefly in:   parting of the waves

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • Following the parting of the waves between Hayle Harbour Company and their development partner London and Amsterdam Developments, we can reveal that Penwith District Council is seriously considering the compulsory purchase of Hayle Harbour, a move which would see it removed from the control of the present owners. (SOSHayle, UK)
  • The Anglo-Irish Treaty, which ended the War of Independence, caused a parting of the waves. Those opposed to the treaty, the so-called Irregulars, retained their uniforms and fought against the Free State Army in the Civil War. (Triskelle)
  • Moston and Beswick had something of a difficult parting of the waves with Robert Taylor last year, and lost a number player in the process, so it will be interesting to see if they have recovered since then. (4BarsRest.com, 14th March 2004)
  • He identified three distinct evolving characteristics that have in part caused a parting of the waves when it comes to supply and demand: […] (NewsMax.com, Sept 24, 2005)

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See also _airwaves»airways_.

| 1 comment | link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/10/14 |

self-righteous » self-richeous

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • Stop being such self richeous prigs and get on with the downloading. (zeropaid.com forum, October 28, 2002)
  • She is pretentious and self-richeous. (Amazon customer review, February 21, 2005)
  • I had a lady come up to me to offer the same self-richeous bullshit that is being offered out here. (Discover Vancouver Forum, Aug 9, 2005)
  • I believe Erica to be (in addition to the characteristics you suggest) also vindictive and self-richeous, and always ready to “pay someone back” for what [she believes] they’ve done to her. (rec.arts.tv.soaps.abc, Mar 14, 1997)

Seen on IRC today. About 300 occurrences on Google.

| 1 comment | link | entered by Chris Waigl, 2005/10/14 |

brim » rim

Chiefly in:   rimming with , rimmed with , rimful of

Classification: English

Spotted in the wild:

  • Eyes rimming with tears, she added, “Hopefully, I’ll be like that when I’m that age.” (New York Times, Oct 5, 2005)
  • Finally, she covered her eyes with her hands; when she removed them they were rimmed with tears. (link)
  • and i’ve had a Rimful of the Catholic Church. (link)

brimming with [tears] > rimming with [tears] appears to be by far the most common eggcorn in this group. It was its appearance in the cited New York Times article that brought this group of eggcorns to my attention

brimful > rimful is barely attested.

rimmed with [tears] > brimmed with [tears] is intermediate in frequency (all quantitative claims are justified by nothing more than a Google search), and I would even have guessed that “brimmed with” was the eggcorn in this case, were it not for several late-19th-century citations in the OED (not that that’s determinative, of course).

| 3 comments | link | entered by Lee Rudolph, 2005/10/13 |